When You Care About the Quality of Your Healthcare Video Production…
Purpose-driven Communication in the Healthcare Industry
“I want everybody to meet the Julie I know.”
Merck, the pharma giant, gave us a crisp one-page brief, 16 still photos and a finished video that had missed the mark. We had seven days to produce a new video introducing Dr. Julie Gerberding to the Healthcare Businesswomen’s Association Award audience. Her accomplishments won her the award. Her story was much richer. Here’s how we told it (with an assist from former Secretary of State Condolezza Rice).(…Read More) A Video to Celebrate a Pharmaceutical Industry Thought Leader Julie’s video focuses on the humanitarian contributions of her healthcare career. The narrator explains the big, global impacts she has made through her many roles. The video gets more personal when her medical and political peers share their testimonials of the ways in which Julie has changed their lives as a leader and a mentor. The final video we created doesn’t just honor Julie as a talented healthcare professional—she is also celebrated as an inspiration, a businesswoman, and a genuinely good human being.
Another merger? Why is that good for me?
When Actavis and Watson Pharmaceuticals came together, all of their stakeholders had questions and concerns. We were tasked with helping them see the potential. Here’s how we tapped into the optimism and commitment of their employees to inspire confidence and paint a picture of a brighter future together.(…Read More) A Video That Captures How Two Healthcare Brands Are Stronger United Communicating important pharmaceutical industry news requires transparency and care. Actavis’s acquisition announcement video focuses on the shared values of both pharmaceutical companies. We highlight the achievements of the merger, from increased value for shareholders to greater accessibility of healthcare for patients. This video is a testimony to how healthcare improvements and medical advancements are best achieved through collaboration.
How do we get the rest of us to perform like the best of us?
Actavis had a talented and dedicated team with a clear mission. They were growing rapidly and wanted to inspire their diverse global employees to share a strong sense of purpose. We found four extraordinary employees who exemplified the Actavis Way, and told their stories simply and convincingly. Here’s one of them.(…Read More) Marketing a Pharma Company Willing to Go the Extra Mile Keith’s charitable journey mirrors the growth of Actavis as a global pharmaceutical corporation. What started as a single walk for cancer transformed into a collective effort toward medical research and healthcare improvement. Actavis shares its expansion as a pharmaceutical company through employee profile videos. Keith’s employee engagement video demonstrates how driven team members communicate the goals of their company through caring actions.
Can we get quantitative-oriented analysts to feel the Aha moment?
Intercept, a young pharma company, knew that the completion of a Phase III trial would be exciting to investors. But how could they use that opportunity to showcase an enterprise built for enduring success? Our video revealed the compelling human story behind the data and bench science, with all its setbacks, occasional doubts and moments of brilliant revelation.(…Read More)Getting in on the Ground Floor of the Next Evolution in Hepatology Add together the growing unmet need for treatment of the most common liver disorder and a passionate, science-led pharma start up with a singular focus on a novel approach to developing liver disease therapeutics and you have a winning investment narrative. Intercept was pioneering a pharmaceutical frontier and they had an entire industry trying to play catch-up. Video is an excellent medium to convey the marvel and excitement of that story to the consumers of financial public relations.
When is your best salesperson not one of your employees?
Quest Diagnostics had scored a major coup–convincing the Barnabas Medical Network to outsource their internal diagnostic operations. They introduced us to the people at Barnabas, and we helped them tell the story. Nothing works like a heartfelt testimonial from a highly satisfied client.(…Read More)Nothing but Praise for the Partnership with Quest RWJBarnabas Health boasts the largest laboratory services of any hospital system in the state of New Jersey, but they could by no means match the savings and standardization created by the scale of Quest. Still, they feared that Quest’s efficiency would be the enemy of quality. They met with Quest and Quest listened. Quest took the time to really understand Barnabas’ needs. The result was a tailored, hybrid laboratory management agreement that, from the Barnabas point-of-view, should be the model partnership going forward. When the expected complaints from demanding docs never came, they had their proof. This is just the kind of ringing client video endorsement that will get Quest’s phones ringing from hospital systems in-state and beyond.
How do I make generous donors feel like they’re part of a vital mission?
Montefiore Medical Systems has compelling statistics and a loyal base of supporters who understand the important role they play in the greater New York community. We understood that the power of a captivating patient profile would help them feel the difference they had made in one family’s life. Meet the Taubs:(…Read More) The Gift of a “Miracle” to Barbara and Joel They had little hope. That is until they received the unconditional care given to them by Dr. Neil Cobelli of Montefiore. When Barbara and Joel Taub came to see the orthopedic surgeon, they couldn’t sleep, sit, stand, or walk. The hip replacements he gave them both gave them their mobility and their “lives back.” No one gets turned away at Montefiore thanks to the philanthropic support that the medical center receives. And seeing a direct testimonial video from patients who were treated surely makes donors who helped make that possible feel good about their contribution. Refer Your Healthcare Video to a Medical Imaging Specialist Whether you are a pharmaceutical company in need of a video to market your brand or a hospital looking to demonstrate the quality of your healthcare by way of patient testimonials, leave your messaging in the caring hands of experienced video production professionals who have a deep understanding of all aspects of the anatomy of the healthcare industry. Tribe Pictures has your prescription.
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