How the Best Brand Videos Make an Emotional Impact

Video has become such a staple of our lives that it’s tempting to lump all the different kinds of video together in one big, messy category.  But that’s not entirely accurate.  I personally think of informational corporate video content very differently than I think about videos that are intended to make an emotional connection with the audience (the focus of our business).

For instance, when my daughter graduated from high school, we took a diving trip together to the Cayman Islands.  In preparation for the trip we took classes and watched a lot of diving videos on YouTube.  Was I particularly impressed with the quality of the films?  No. Did I watch them anyway? Yup, because I really wanted to see how to put that oxygen mask on. They served their purpose, and it was enough.

When you are talking about trying to make an emotional connection with your audience, however, it’s a completely different ballgame.

Inspiring Brand Videos Connect Clients to Companies

Film is a very emotional medium.  You are looking for your audience to have a shared experience.  For example, if you are watching a horror movie, everyone should jump when the door suddenly opens.  If you are making a corporate film, you are looking to engage and motivate the audience.  You may want the audience to be confident and optimistic after a company merger announcement, or you want them to be appreciative of all that the retiring CEO has done for the company, or you want them to be proud of their work and inspired to continue to perform. To achieve results like that, you want to tell a great story.

That said, not every project warrants an investment in creative corporate video.  Believe me, I get it.  And this filter might be useful – how important is the emotional connection you are trying to make?  If the key is more about providing information, consider pushing back on your colleagues and internal clients that are demanding video. If the project isn’t important enough to spend the money on telling a great story, find another way –  be it PowerPoint, a photo montage, a series of articles on your intranet, or even a good, old-fashioned memo.

We’ve been telling stories through all types of corporate video for more than three decades and believe they are a powerful medium for engaging and motivating employees, customers, and shareholders. I’m obviously passionate about it and I’d love to hear your perspective.  What kind of filter do you apply when deciding whether or not to invest in video for your project?

Sign up for The Slate: A Twice-a-Month Tip for Using Video to Achieve Your Business Goals.

“It’s one thing to understand the role of video in business communication, it’s another to know how to use video to solve actual business problems. Vern Oakley gets that.”


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