The Case for Personalized Video

Tribe has entered into an exciting new joint venture with the NYC agency Hiker to offer Personalized Video for our clients.

What is Personalized Video?
Imagine sending out thousands or millions of videos, each completely customized for an audience of one.

You could talk to clients, customers or employees individually, thank fundraising donors by name, or speak with students about their specific interests.

Now you can…with Personalized Video.

Tailor your message. Individually.
Most people will never know what it’s like to be on stage at the Apollo Theater or have their name on the marquee. To thank the thousands of donors who contributed to their successful fundraising campaign, the Apollo Theater sent out individual personalized videos to each participant.

With personalized video you can communicate one-to-one with each member of your audience. And it goes way beyond names. By utilizing data in a secure setting like an email Inbox, personalized video can include information specific to your viewers including names, dates, preferences and more.

For example, in this video BBVA used customer tutorials with employees, tailored to their specific needs, and found increases in the adoption of features and better customer satisfaction. Engagement metrics were off the charts. The format encourages you to get creative with your data and share information that you know will be useful.

Why Personalized Video Works.

We already know personalization works.

Personalization on its own is already being used widely in email campaigns, to great success.

    • 29% more likely to be opened by recipients than non-personalized emails.
    • 41% higher click-through rate than non-personalized emails.

We already know video works.

  • Video in email marketing can increase click-through rates by over 96%.
  • Visitors who view product videos are 85% more likely to buy than visitors who do not.

Personalized Video works best.

Combining video and personalization increases results exponentially.

  • Personalized video has an average 87% increased click-through rate vs traditional email.
  • Viewing rates are over 73% vs generic video, and the majority of viewers watch the video until the end.
  • Live action personalization can increase click-through rates by as much as 1100% and click-to-open rate by almost 600%.

The bottom line is: Personalized Video works.

  • Seeing and hearing your name or other personal detail instantly pulls you in.
  • Audiences are immediately invested.
  • Content is tailored to be 100% relevant to the viewer.
  • Campaigns are triggered by data, so information is timely and appropriate.
  • Personalization encourages sharing and repeat views of the same video.

To see how personalization can improve your outcomes, please contact Tribe.

Here are a few more examples of Personalized Video:

Sam’s Club wanted their customers to take advantage of their branded MasterCard’s rewards program. By using Personalized Video they achieved a 50% open rate to over 600,000 users, with over 22% engaging with the Call-to-Action.

Please get in touch if you’d like to discuss how your company can use Personalized Video.

Sign up for The Slate: A Twice-a-Month Tip for Using Video to Achieve Your Business Goals.

“It’s one thing to understand the role of video in business communication, it’s another to know how to use video to solve actual business problems. Vern Oakley gets that.”


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