The Surprising Link Between Presentation Skills and Leadership
The Link Between Presentation Skills and Leadership As an executive, you’re expected to lead and inspire your team through any challenge. One of the most powerful tools in y[..]
Prioritizing Psychological Safety in Corporate Video
Speaking on camera is a vulnerable experience. Leaders who are unfamiliar with the process tend to approach it with skepticism and concern. Being on a video set can feel overw[..]
Trust and the Sacred Space
Trust and the Sacred Space I’ve spoken before about the importance of “the sacred space:” a safe environment where you and your video director can sort out your message [..]
Video Vulnerability: Turning Anxiety into Excitement
To be a real leader, you need to let your guard down to let your true self get out. That’s not easy for most people. Many at the top are used to being in control of every fa[..]
Teleprompters – Making the Most of a Necessary Evil
Teleprompters can be great when newscasters need to nail facts during a live broadcast. But they are trained media professionals who learn how to sound natural while reading a[..]
The three kinds of performance intelligence: mind, body, and emotion
Every week, I work out with my trainer Joe Farese. Joe is an exercise coach, who also happens to be an award-winning amateur body builder. While I’m not looking to bulk up m[..]
Executives Speaking on Camera, Beware of Media Training
I’ve met hundreds of CEOs and leaders in my career, and most of them are dynamic type-A people. They have no problem standing in front of a crowd and delivering a captivatin[..]
How Nervous CEOs Sell Charisma on Camera
Charisma is not some mysterious force that you’re either born with or not. Charisma is a skill you can learn without becoming an extrovert or changing your personality. Afte[..]
Taming Your Inner Critic: Improving Yourself On-Camera
The most effective leaders have the special skill of turning their mistakes into opportunities to improve. But for many leaders, appearing on camera is a new and daunting chal[..]