Practice Makes Perfect For CEOs On Camera

Below is a transcript of Tribe CEO Vern Oakley’s interview conducted by Richard Rierson for the Dose of Leadership podcast. Vern discusses his new book Leadership in Focus and other topics. Thanks again to Richard for the lively conversation!   Dose of Leadership Podcast episode 289. Welcome to another episode of the Dose of Leadership Podcast, the […]

The College Search Begins with a Great Admissions Video

Way back when I applied to college, I applied to four of them. Who does that any more? Today, students and their parents look at scores of colleges and apply to many. How can they keep all of the colleges straight? They are awash in pages of information; inundated by spreadsheets of data. And in […]

Webinar: Courage, Communication, and Change: Leading Corporate Change in the Age of Authenticity

88% of change initiatives fail. What’s up with the other 12%? In this webinar, Vern Oakley (CEO, Tribe Pictures and Author, Leadership in Focus) and his special guest Campbell Macpherson (Author, The Change Catalyst) present a high-level discussion on leading change and what it means for today’s business leaders. They discuss: – How one person […]

Practice Makes Perfectly Authentic

There are few rules that apply to everyone when it comes to finding your own voice on camera. But there’s one thing I tell all of my clients: Practice and prepare. Absorb and refine your message. It’s not about memorizing a bunch of lines. It’s about reflecting on your message, saying it out loud, and […]

Practice Makes Perfect – Learn from the best on-camera executive performances

When a CEO steps in front of the camera, they have to accomplish a daunting job. First, they must represent their company with professionalism and authority, while remaining open and approachable. They also have to nail all the logistical numbers. And the executive must deliver their message with authenticity, or no one will listen. To […]

Tribe Pictures CEO Vern Oakley on the As Told By Nomads Podcast

Tribe CEO/Creative Director Vern Oakley was on the As Told By Nomads Podcast recently. To listen go here: Choice quote: “With over $160 billion spent in the U.S. alone on employee training and education, companies clearly need to make changes regarding how their connecting with their employees to make these investments worthwhile,” says ‘business artist’ Vern Oakley, […]

Driving High Performance Culture with Vern Oakley [podcast]

Neil Ball interviewed Tribe CEO Vern Oakley for The Entrepreneur Way. You can listen to the podcast here. A few choice quotes: “Working hard, trying different things, learning from their experience… and 20 years later you become an overnight success.” “I was in Grand Cayman and I saw my favorite business model. There was a […]

Bulletproof Entrepreneur on How to Use Video to Grow Your Business

Tribe CEO Vern Oakley was recently featured on the Bulletproof entrepreneur podcast with Chi Odogwu. Transcript follows: If you’re ready to take your destiny into your own hands, you’ve come to the right place. This is the bulletproof entrepreneur, featuring interviews with the most exciting and amazing entrepreneur …. Here’s your host Chi Odogwu. Chi Odogwu: […]

Is online video really free?

Free video platforms, namely YouTube, changed the world forever. Each day, creators upload hundreds of hours of infinite wisdom, political analysis, personal moments, global news, and cat videos to digital video platforms like TikTok, Vimeo, Instagram, Facebook, Twitch. And they cost us nothing to watch. Well…not exactly. Digital Video Pays for Itself Advertising pays for […]

Sign up for The Slate: A Twice-a-Month Tip for Using Video to Achieve Your Business Goals.

“It’s one thing to understand the role of video in business communication, it’s another to know how to use video to solve actual business problems. Vern Oakley gets that.”


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