Teleprompter 101

The following post was adapted from Vern Oakley’s book Leadership in Focus. Teleprompters are a mixed blessing. Technically, they’re meant to help on-camera performances by allowing the speaker to read from a prepared script. Using monitors and one-way mirrors, teleprompters display the text on an eye line so the speaker can keep his or head […]

Teleprompter 101

The following post was adapted from Vern Oakley’s book Leadership in Focus. Teleprompters are a mixed blessing. Technically, they’re meant to help on-camera performances by allowing the speaker to read from a prepared script. Using monitors and one-way mirrors, teleprompters display the text on an eye line so the speaker can keep his or head […]

Virtual Reality and 360° Video: What’s the Difference?

VR & 360 video: What the heck’s the difference? There’s a tendency to conflate VR and 360, and I hope to clear up some of the differences between the two. To make matters more confusing, 360-degree video is sometimes referred to as “VR 360.” The two are very much related but have many differences in […]

The Surprising Link Between Presentation Skills and Leadership

The Link Between Presentation Skills and Leadership As an executive, you’re expected to lead and inspire your team through any challenge. One of the most powerful tools in your arsenal is the ability to communicate effectively. That skill spans from one-on-one meetings to commanding a room of thousands. Giving a presentation is daunting for most. […]

CEO Magazine Profiles Author, Filmmaker and Authenticity Expert Vern Oakley

In “The Art of Business Storytelling,” Oakley reveals how CEOs can drive effective communication by sharing authenticity, candor and compassion on camera. I’ve always loved the observation that ‘Culture eats strategy for breakfast’… because if its employees aren’t going to support the strategy of the company, you can’t really execute it.” — Vern Oakley CHATHAM, […]

Trust and the Sacred Space

Trust and the Sacred Space I’ve spoken before about the importance of “the sacred space:” a safe environment where you and your video director can sort out your message together and work closely to impart your humanity and authenticity on camera. That preparation time spent together is how I gauge my approach as a director. […]

5 Ways to Use Video for Colleges and Universities

At Tribe, we don’t begin with the video; we begin with the problem and what communication strategies will solve that problem. We start from a strategic point of view, understanding that your institution has a voice and a plan. Together, we need to choose the right tone that will both resonate with your target audience […]

Comfort On Camera: Building Trust through Trial and Error

Babies can’t learn to walk without stumbling and falling. But their parents always pick them back up to try again. This is exactly how leaders and directors work together to create great corporate videos. Through a process of trial and error, executives and their production partners create a comfortable on-camera rapport built on a strong […]

Sign up for The Slate: A Twice-a-Month Tip for Using Video to Achieve Your Business Goals.

“It’s one thing to understand the role of video in business communication, it’s another to know how to use video to solve actual business problems. Vern Oakley gets that.”


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