Corporate Video Strategy In A New Era
Rapidly changing technology shifts expectations of how we’re all communicated to. In a sense, we’re all millennials. I spoke with David Brancaccio of American Public Media[..]
Practice Makes Perfect For CEOs On Camera
Below is a transcript of Tribe CEO Vern Oakley’s interview conducted by Richard Rierson for the Dose of Leadership podcast. Vern discusses his new book Leadership in F[..]
The Best CEO Videos Cut Through The Digital Noise
There’s so much noise. How do you cut through? How do you get your big ideas heard and then adopted? In this edition of Tribe’s Leadership in Focus Video Series, [..]
Leadership in Focus: Make Your CEO Comfortable Creating A Video Message
Being on camera can be nerve-racking. Your ability to relax into the moment determines how well your humanity shines through. The Sacred Space acts as insulation. As film[..]
Leadership in Focus: The Best CEO Videos Understand Their Audience
Where do you start with your communication platform? What’s the first step toward connecting? As a creative director the first crucial step in the creative brief is [..]
CEO/C-Suite On-Camera Videos: Free Chapter from the book Leadership in Focus
The following is a chapter from Tribe CEO Vern Oakley’s recent book, Leadership in Focus: Bringing Out Your Best on Camera. It makes the case for leaders to attempt to s[..]
Bulletproof Entrepreneur on How to Use Video to Grow Your Business
Tribe CEO Vern Oakley was recently featured on the Bulletproof entrepreneur podcast with Chi Odogwu. Transcript follows: If you’re ready to take your destiny into your [..]
Teleprompter 101
The following post was adapted from Vern Oakley’s book Leadership in Focus. Teleprompters are a mixed blessing. Technically, they’re meant to help on-camera performanc[..]
Vern Oakley on Business Insanity Talk Radio
Vern Oakley was recently featured on Barry Moltz’s Business Insanity Talk Radio on WIND AM. The discussion includes: The power of video to impact company culture, the bo[..]