Harnessing the Power of Video: Transforming Fundraising for Nonprofits and Institutions

We’ve all witnessed the power of video when it comes to marketing. Video is an engaging, emotional medium for storytelling. It’s helped set brands apart and grow their customer base.

Nonprofits, universities, medical institutions, and other foundations can take advantage of video in the same ways to transform their fundraising efforts. Institution brand videos are a game-changer for organizations looking to raise funds and create a lasting impact.

Heart is at the Core of Successful Fundraising—and Successful Video

With any form of fundraising, emotional connection is the driving force behind donations. Video has the unique ability to evoke emotions with beautiful visuals paired with the right music. The compelling story your video tells will resonate with the audience more deeply than just words in print or hearing a keynote speaker.

You’ll be able to pinpoint the heart of your campaign by finding its humanity. Authentic human connection is how we are able to connect to people across the globe. Your video pre-production work should focus on finding those heartfelt stories—stories of triumph, of failure, of family, of love, of achievement. When you pick a core theme that draws on humanity, any viewer will feel a connection to the organization’s mission.

Whether you’re showcasing the personal journeys of beneficiaries, illustrating the large-scale impact of donations, or highlighting the dedication of your involved staff—videos create a visceral connection that words alone can’t achieve.

Video Brings Donor Contributions to Life

Donors want to see tangible results from their contributions. For pharmaceutical and medical institutions, one of the most impactful uses of video is sharing patient testimonials. Interviews with medical professionals and researchers can help viewers understand how the treatment came to be, and how far it can go.

When Tribe created a series of videos for Montefiore, we wanted to bring beneficiary stories to life. Joel and Barbara Taubs’ story was a perfect example of how donor funds improve the quality of life for real New Yorkers every day.

Showcasing the real-world impact of fundraising can be a successful catalyst for giving. This transparency builds trust and encourages ongoing support.

Reach Wider Audiences with Video Engagement and Accessibility

In our world of information overload, video content stands out. It captures attention and holds it. No matter how your campaign is being pushed out—on social media platforms, video-sharing websites, or email lists—your organization can easily reach wider audiences.

Short, shareable videos make it easier for supporters to spread the word themselves. Translate voiceovers and graphics into multiple languages. Captioning makes videos accessible to the deaf and hard of hearing.

If your fundraising efforts have a timely component, live-streaming can be an invaluable tool for your nonprofit or institution. It provides an opportunity for real-time interaction with the audience. Your organization’s leaders can answer questions, share updates, and showcase relevant events. Live video creates a sense of immediacy—which catalyzes giving now.

Connect with Personalized Campaigns

Video allows organizations to create personalized messages for different segments of their audience. For educational institutions, separate campaign videos can be created to target current students, alumni, and the families of students. On the other hand, corporate ESG campaigns may want to create targeted messaging for various parts of the impacted community: residents and neighbors, green initiative groups, and environmental organizations.

After your fundraising goals have been met, you’ll want to thank your contributors for their generosity. Video provides the opportunity to address donors individually. Custom graphics can tailor the message en masse. Or you can send messages from the specific fund that received their donation. If, for example, your university raised money for its sports teams, those athletes can send their own words of appreciation to the donors who support their dreams.

Personalized video content makes supporters feel seen and understood. And it makes them more likely to donate again in the future.

Digital video continues to prove its value in successful fundraising efforts. How much more can your campaign raise when you include video in your next efforts?

Sign up for The Slate: A Twice-a-Month Tip for Using Video to Achieve Your Business Goals.

“It’s one thing to understand the role of video in business communication, it’s another to know how to use video to solve actual business problems. Vern Oakley gets that.”


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