Writing Your Own Story – Establish Trust Through Authenticity
When telling the story of your business, you must be the author of that narrative. Stories are what connects the audience to you. But nobody is expecting perfection. If they wanted that, they’d go see a Meryl Streep film. The goal isn’t to create a video persona, because the audience won’t believe your story if you don’t believe yourself.
Your audience is looking to resonate with the part of you that you choose to share. It doesn’t have to be an extraordinary tale of heroism or success. Sharing a failure that changed your course might humanize you. Take a look back to your roots and the people and events that helped shape where you are now. Ask friends, colleagues, and relatives what your strengths and weaknesses are, and think about ways to leverage them on video. That feedback may illuminate a blind spot in your story that reveals the real you.
The Best Stories Are Specific
And remember, you don’t have to tell your whole life story in one go. Pick a specific moment—with a beginning, middle, and conclusion—to get right to the heart of your message. For more on trust and authenticity on video, check out this short podcast episode, which features a few of my favorite industry experts.