Connect With Your Viewer: The Direct-To-Camera Approach

When shooting a corporate video, the communications team and production company must come to an agreement on the best way to shoot your executive. The approach you choose is directed by the mission of the video. Your leader may speak directly to an on-video audience, an interviewer, or the camera itself. So when your executive needs to captivate an audience and speak right to the heart, direct-to-camera is the go-to.

Create an Immediate Connection With Your Audience

The most conversational approach is when the leader speaks without a teleprompter or interviewer to guide the conversation. When the camera rolls, the leader flies solo. This allows the leader to tell their company story in their own voice freely, guided by the director if need be.

Display Confidence and Authenticity

Speaking straight into the lens is a compelling strategy for leaders. It gives the feeling that you’re having a direct conversation with the viewers. This video method can be particularly effective for a leader welcoming new employees or potential investors with warmth and authenticity.

The direct-to-camera approach offers room to show your enthusiasm as a leader. A few years ago Tribe created an executive profile video for COTY’s Michele Scannavini. We gave Scannavini the freedom to try several takes until he was totally comfortable with his message. His direct style draws in viewers with warmth and creative energy.

Executives Feel Free and In-Control

Speaking directly into the camera isn’t for everyone. But those who do feel comfortable with this approach tend to use it often. Some executives and CEOs are great public speakers who prefer to freely share their thoughts. Those types of leaders might feel stiff recording their performance as a typical sit-down interview. Scannavini says, “I found looking directly at the camera was a better way for me to organize my thoughts and the message I wanted to deliver in the way that I wanted to deliver it.”

Sign up for The Slate: A Twice-a-Month Tip for Using Video to Achieve Your Business Goals.

“It’s one thing to understand the role of video in business communication, it’s another to know how to use video to solve actual business problems. Vern Oakley gets that.”


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